Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Fess must fall ,education is very expensive in South Africa and most students cannot afford it. If fees can fall most young people can study and further their education without paying fees. Young people careers and dreams are being tarnished by fees from varsities and collages because they cannot afford to pay fees , and if fees can fall most people can make their educational or academic dreams to come alive, and South Africa will be a successful and a developed country.Image result for fees must fall pictures


  1. Most of the people are sittings at homes because they can't afford education and some end up doing bad thing such as committing crimes.

  2. Fees are indeed the barriers of education. We should be granted free education by all means necessary. #FeesMustFall so we can achieve our dreams and become the better versions of ourselves

  3. I also believe that fees must fall because most of students can't afford to pay. People are sitting at home doing nothing because they come from unfortunate homes

  4. indeed fees must fall because lot of people are not attending school because of their financial issues.

  5. I still randomly, like right now, think about #FeesMustFall and how the same government that promised the youth of South Africa free education silenced them by arresting, intimidating and dividing them.
